One-, Two-, and Three-Day Workshops - Team-level workshops focused on enabling effective team functioning through commitment, communication, conflict management, trust and individual strengths
Employee Engagement Assessment - Team-level assessment identifying current levels of team member engagement to help managers increase engagement and productivity through focused initiatives
Full Day Session - Seven-hour team session highlighting how to utilize talents in understanding oneself, team members and talents roles in creating dynamic and effective teams - maximum of
20 team members per session |
Half Day Session - Four-hour team session highlighting how to utilize talents in understanding the talent themes of team members - maximum of 20 team members per session
Add-On Package of Ten Individual Sessions - Package of ten 60-minute one-on-one sessions (either in person or by video conference call depending on client's location) for use by team members attending Half or Full Day Sessions
PLEASE NOTE: Some sessions required an additional per attendee materials fee.
"In the course of my career, I've participated in many "team building" workshops and retreats. I can honestly say this is the only one I consider to have been impactful and meaningful - definitely worth the time." |
Contact us now for pricing and scheduling options